Pro tips to get desired domain name under budget    

  • Published on : 2023-04-14 10:40:22
Man writing notes on a table with laptop and coffee



If you're a startup entrepreneur or a business owner, you must have seen how hard it is to score a good domain name under your budget. Dictionary words are already taken in popular extensions like .com and .io, most of which are listed on sale for large amounts in the secondary market. As a startup or small business owner, it becomes extremely difficult to segregate a huge budget on single asset as budget is really tight. So, how do we get the domain name under our budget, which is one of the most important component of  business setup process in the current times.  



Today, we've compiled some pro tips to get the desired domain name under budget, from domain professionals, which are as following:


a) Using a domain broker:

Domain brokers are knowledgable, have good network, are handy with domain market tools, and possess good negotiation skills. They also understand our perspective and situation. You can inform domain brokers about your situation and budget, who'll 'scan' through their network and help you secure the best possible name for your business.



b) Look for Domain auction sites:

There are various domain auction sites like GoDaddy, Namejet, where you can browse through private auctions as well as expiring domain names. Auction names are much cheaper than buying directly from seller, if you can win one.



c) Consider alternative domain extensions:

This is probably one  of the most undervalued ways to secure a great domain name.  There are hundreds of other generic as well as country specific extensions available. Some good examples are .io, .xyz, .co, .ai etc. that are already popular and being used by large companies.



d) Use a domain name generator:

There are plenty of domain name generator sites that can help you come up with alternative domain name options that are available for purchase and that fit your budget. We've already covered this topic in detail in another blog which you can check here:



e) Negotiate with the current owner:

If the domain name you want is already taken, you can contact the owner and try negotiating, to see if they are willing to sell it for a lower price. But we'd still advise anyone to first contact a domain broker and explain everything to them before contacting the domain owner yourself directly.



f) Use an alternative name:

If none of the above favors or works for you then you can still choose a little different name that is made up but means something similar. You can choose a name that is short, easy to remember, and easy to spell. Avoid using hyphens or numbers in the domain name. By following these tips, you can find a similar name but with even higher quality and under your budget. 




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